BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 1, Day 5: John 1:14, 16-18
September 7, 2023September 10, 2023 by atozmom, posted in BSF John's Gospel: The Truth 2023/2024
Summary of John 1:14, 16-18
The Word (Jesus) became human and he came from the Father. Christ has given us grace and truth. No one has seen God but Jesus has made God known.
We receive grace from Jesus. The law was given through Moses but Christ brings grace and truth. No one has seen God, but Jesus who is God has made him known.
BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 1, Day 5: John 1:14, 16-18
The Word became flesh: Jesus became human.
And made his dwelling among us: Jesus came to earth.
We have seen his glory: Through Jesus, we see God’s glory and the glory of Jesus.
The glory of the one and only Son: This is Jesus’ and God’s glory.
Who came from the Father: God sent Jesus.
Full of grace and truth: Jesus is full of grace and truth
13a) We receive the grace given by Christ that he has already given us since the beginning of time.
b) Too many ways to count. From not dying, not being harmed, having a good life, having a great family, being blessed with animals, being able to help others, and the list goes on.
The law was given through Moses: the laws put forth by God for living was given by Moses.
Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ: Christ gives us grace and truth.
God’s “one and only Son, who is himself God…has made him known.” Jesus who is God has made God known. This one speaks to me because in Jesus, I can see God and they are one and the same who are with me always. I need all the help I can get!
14) So much. God is full of love, compassion, helpfulness, strength, and judgment. God corrects me when I need it and gives me another chance. God picks me up when I fall. Always and forever.
Conclusions BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 1, Day 5: John 1:14, 16-18
Great emphasis on the grace of God/Jesus and how we can be close to God/Jesus as God’s children. Great!
End Notes BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 1, Day 5: John 1:14, 16-18
John states that the Word/Jesus became flesh and lived among us, not in the tabernacle only. John saw Jesus and saw his glory. The Greek verb is “beheld.” The glory of Jesus is full of grace and truth.
Jesus brings a never-ending supply of grace. Jesus replaced the law of Moses.
When you see Jesus, you see God.
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BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 1, Day 4: John 1:9-13
September 6, 2023September 10, 2023 by atozmom, posted in BSF John's Gospel: The Truth 2023/2024
Summary of John 1:9-13
The light (Jesus) was coming to bring light/life to the world. The world, however, did not recognize him or receive him. Those who did believe in him became children of God born of God.
BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 1, Day 4: John 1:9-13
8a) Most did not recognize Jesus or receive him.
b) God’s chosen people, the Jews
c) Reasons is that they just can’t see Christ or see him in their life. Following Christ is too hard. And, they believe God/Christ to be unloving or distant.
9) You must receive Christ and believe in his name and what he did for you.
Born not of natural descent: We were born of the Holy Spirit.
Nor of human decision: Chosen by God to believe.
Or a husband’s will: Believing in Christ is the choice of no other by yourself.
Born of God: Born or God’s will.
11) I know I am God’s child because I have accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior into my heart.
Conclusions BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 1, Day 4: John 1:9-13
Jesus came for one reason: to give us eternal life. Yet, many cannot grasp this simplicity. Do you?
End Notes BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 1, Day 4: John 1:9-13
We are all born by God’s grace.
How powerful is sin that the Creator of the Universe (Jesus) came and no one recognized him?
We are born anew, in Christ, when we believe.
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BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 1, Day 3: John 1:6-8, 15
September 5, 2023September 10, 2023 by atozmom, posted in BSF John's Gospel: The Truth 2023/2024
A man named John was sent from God to be a witness to the light (this is John the Baptist as witness to Jesus). John testified to who Jesus was.
BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 1, Day 3: John 1:6-8, 15
6a) To be a forerunner and witness to Christ.
b) Such a good question after the above question! It’s definitely to shine the light of Christ, but in a different way than John the Baptist. It’s through my daily life, my interactions with others, my work, my family, my animals, and more.
1) This is the one I spoke about. This means that this is the one whom John has been prophesizing as the Messiah.
2) He who comes after me has surpassed me. Jesus came after John the Baptist’s ministry, and Jesus is greater than John.
3) He was before me. Jesus was before John the Baptist. This means since the beginning and in terms of status, too. He was first among all things; first in every sense.
b) That Jesus is God.
Conclusions BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 1, Day 3: John 1:6-8, 15
Great lesson on our life’s purpose.
End Notes BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 1, Day 3: John 1:6-8, 15
Many mistook John the Baptist for Jesus, which is why John the Baptist and John the Apostle put so much emphasis on Jesus being the Messiah.
Being a witness was a big deal in ancient times. If someone spoke well of you, it carried a lot of weight. This is why you’ll see in the book of John witnesses for and against Jesus.
Ancestors were revered in ancient times. So, Jesus coming before John the Baptist and first in everything meant a lot.
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BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 1, Day 2: John 1:1-5
September 4, 2023September 10, 2023 by atozmom, posted in BSF John's Gospel: The Truth 2023/2024
God existed from the very beginning, as well as the Word/Jesus. All things are made in God and Jesus. God/Jesus is light. Nothing can defeat light/God/Jesus.
BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 1, Day 2: John 1:1-5
3) Jesus was in existence from the beginning. Jesus was with God. Jesus was God. Jesus has always been means he was not created. He is God. Everything that is true about God is true about Jesus.
Genesis 1:1: God created everything from the beginning. This means Jesus participated in creation, too.
Colossians 1:15-17: Jesus is equal with God since he was in existence from the beginning and participated in creation. Jesus created all things.
Hebrews 1:1-3: Jesus is heir of all things. God made the universe through Jesus. Jesus is God.
5a) Light is God and Jesus. Darkness is evil, sin, and Satan. If we believe in Jesus, we have light, too.
b) Light is the good deeds people do. Darkness is the bad we do to each other.
Conclusions BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 1, Day 2: John 1:1-5
Love the opening of John. He says exactly what we need to know from the get-go. Jesus is God. If you have them, you will have light. Darkness cannot overcome light.
End Notes BSF Study Questions John’s Gospel: The Truth Lesson 1, Day 2: John 1:1-5
- John’s Gospel was written last and at the end of John’s life. This is perhaps why John did not record the same things as the other 3 Gospels.
- We see Jesus in Jerusalem here.
- John emphasizes that Jesus is God.
- John will discuss 7 miracles.
- John uses Jesus’s words in the 7 “I Am” statements.
- John’s point is so we will believe in Jesus as the Son of God.
- The Word is “logos” in Greek. This word puts meaning to the world.
- Jesus is the Word here.
- The Father and the Son are equally God, but distinct in person.
- The Word/Jesus created all things that were created.
- The Word is life.
- The Word is light.
- Without Jesus we are dead and dark.
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BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 1, Day 5: 1 Kings 11
September 8, 2022September 5, 2022 by atozmom, posted in BSF People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided 2022/2023
King Solomon had many foreign wives despite God’s order to not marry foreigner. They led him astray from God over time, causing him to do evil in the eyes of the Lord. He built shrines to foreign gods, and God became angry with him. As punishment, Solomon’s son will lose the kingdom he built. God raised up adversaries agains Solomon, Hadan the Edomite and Rezon son of Eliada. Jeroboam, one of Solomon’s officials, rebelled against him.
Ahijah, a prophet, told Jeroboam about the prophecy God made against Solomon. He also prophesied that Jeroboam would be king of Israel. If he followed God’s statues and did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, God would be with him. He would build him a dynasty and humble David’s descendants for a time. Solomon died and his son, Rehoboam, succeeded him as king.
BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 1, Day 5: 1 Kings 11
13) Solomon has begun to worship other gods. God had raised adversaries against Solomon because of this and caused trouble in the kingdom. Many had strayed away from the Lord due to Solomon’s example.
14) Solomon’s son will lose the kingdom Solomon built, and Jeroboam would be king of Israel and have ten tribes (all except one, which would be given to Solomon’s son).
15) If you follow God and His Word, you will be rewarded. If not, there are consequences.
16) He waits for an era to end in order to begin something new sometimes. We all go through transitions in life, some of which we understand and others we do not until down the road. In the end, every event in our lives is for God’s purpose whether we recognize it as such or not.
Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 1, Day 5: 1 Kings 11
Great example of the consequences of not following God. The consequences may not be immediate, and they may not even affect you, but it may affect those around you or future generations. Many of us forget that our actions can affect others.
End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 1, Day 5: 1 Kings 11
Note Solomon loved many women and they were foreign — both of which went against God’s laws. (Matthew 19:4-6,Genesis 2:23-24). He wanted his wives more than he wanted the Lord. His heart turned from the Lord, too. David sinned, but his heart was always with the Lord.
God became angry with Solomon’s disobedience. The punishment is that God will divide the kingdom. 2 Chronicles 11:12) tell us that the southern kingdom was made up of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, even though it’s called only one tribe here.
God raised up adversaries against Solomon:
- Hadad the Edomite
- Rezone, son of Eliadah
Jeroboam was a fellow Israelite who rebelled against Solomon. Jeroboam means “may the people be great.”
The prophet Ahijah tells Jeroboam that he would be king of the ten tribes of Israel after Solomon dies as punishment for Solomon’s sin. God would be with Jeroboam and would give him a lasting dynasty if he would do what was right in the eyes of the Lord. Solomon tried to kill him because of this prophecy.
Solomon dies, and his son, Rehoboam, succeeds him as king.
Fun Fact: This is the first mention of the divided kingdom.
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BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 1, Day 4: Isaiah 5:1-7; Acts 7:1-53; and 1 Corinthians 10:1-13
September 7, 2022September 4, 2022 by atozmom, posted in BSF People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided 2022/2023
This is about God’s treatment of Judah. Israel is the vineyard, and God had done everything possible to care for them, but they only yielded bad grapes. So he lets it grow wild and uncultivated, which yields only bloodshed and cries of distress.
Stephen tells us the back story: God appeared the Abram/Abraham while he was still in Ur in Mesopotamia before he left for Haran and told Abram to leave Ur and to go to Canaan. So he went to Haran. Then after Terah, his father, died God sent Abram to Canaan.
God gave him no inheritance in Canaan but He promised him his descendants would possess the land. God told Abram his children would be strangers in the land and would be enslaved for 400 years. But God would punish that nation and afterward they will come back to Canaan to worship Him. Here, God instituted the covenant of circumcision as a sign of this covenant.
Then Abraham had Isaac whom he circumcised. Isaac had Jacob who became the father of the twelve patriarchs.
Joseph was sold as a slave, but God was with him and he was made ruler over Egypt and the palace. When famine struck Canaan, Jacob brought his entire family to Egypt, so Joseph could feed them.
Moses was born and saw God in the burning bush. God sent him to Egypt to lead his people out of slavery. The people rebelled while heading to the Promise Land, making a golden calf. Joshua drove the nations out of the Promised Land so Israel could occupy it. Solomon then built God a temple, a permanent place to be worshipped.
Stephen calls the Sanhedrin stiff-necked and just like their fathers. They resist the Holy Spirit, and they killed Jesus.
Paul warns against being idolaters, as some of their forefathers were in Moses’s day. They should not commit sexual immorality, not test the Lord, and not grumble. Past events were recorded as warnings for us, but we need to be ever vigilant against temptation. But God is faithful. He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, and He’ll provide a way out to stand up against the temptation.
BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 1, Day 4: Isaiah 5:1-7; Acts 7:1-53; and 1 Corinthians 10:1-13
10) God took care of Israel since the time before they were born and through their lives. He treated them tenderly and watched over them. Yet, they rebelled, so He took away his protection.
11) That God has chosen me out of all the peoples of the earth. What power lies in this fact.
Stephen tells us the back story: God appeared the Abram/Abraham while he was still in Ur in Mesopotamia before he left for Haran and told Abram to leave Ur and to go to Canaan. So he went to Haran. Then after Terah, his father, died God sent Abram to Canaan.
God gave him no inheritance in Canaan but He promised him his descendants would possess the land. God told Abram his children would be strangers in the land and would be enslaved for 400 years. But God would punish that nation and afterward they will come back to Canaan to worship Him. Here, God instituted the covenant of circumcision as a sign of this covenant.
Then Abraham had Isaac whom he circumcised. Isaac had Jacob who became the father of the twelve patriarchs.
Joseph was sold as a slave, but God was with him and he was made ruler over Egypt and the palace. When famine struck Canaan, Jacob brought his entire family to Egypt, so Joseph could feed them.
Moses was born and saw God in the burning bush. God sent him to Egypt to lead his people out of slavery. The people rebelled while heading to the Promise Land, making a golden calf. Joshua drove the nations out of the Promised Land so Israel could occupy it. Solomon then built God a temple, a permanent place to be worshipped.
The main points of Acts 7 are:
- Abraham’s calling (7:2-8);
- the Patriarchs in Egypt (7:9-16);
- life of Moses (7:17-36);
- Moses and Israel in the wilderness (7:37-43);
- and the Tabernacle of Testimony (7:44-50).
He emphasizes God’s calling and care of His people and His provision of a leader when they needed it the most. He also emphasized how God was with them without a physical temple for thousands of years.
b) I think all of our lives are like this: we have spiritual successes and failures, but the ultimate goal is to have progressively fewer failures as we move towards God and Jesus. We should learn from the past so we can be better in the future.
Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 1, Day 4: Isaiah 5:1-7; Acts 7:1-53; and 1 Corinthians 10:1-13
A lot of reading in this lesson. I love Stephen’s summary of the Old Testament. It’s concise and covers the big picture. Great stuff!
End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 1, Day 4: Isaiah 5:1-7; Acts 7:1-53; and 1 Corinthians 10:1-13
Isaiah 5:1-7: Israel had everything it needed to grow and follow the Lord and they chose not to. God did all He could do; the fault is solely Israel’s. So, as punishment, God stopped protecting His people and stopped giving them blessings.
Acts 7:1-53: Stephen emphasizes Israel’s perpetual rejection of God and the Law. Then he points out how they rejected Jesus, the Son of God. He is showing how Israel treated Moses and how the Jews treated Jesus the same way. Moses was divinely appointed by God, as was Jesus. Yet, Moses was repeatedly rejected by the people, as was Jesus. The people turned to idols and God let them go.
Worship does not have to be in a temple, as Israel’s history showed.
Fun Fact: This is the longest speech in Acts.
1 Corinthians 10:1-13: Paul lists all the blessings the Israelites in the wilderness had:
- They had God as a cloud, a constant reminder of His presence
- All were baptized via the Red Sea
- God provided them with food and drink
Yet, they did not please God, and they died in the wilderness, never entering the Promise Land.
The point is just becuaes you are a believer, you may not be pleasing God. This is why you should not be an idolater, commit sexual immorality, not test the Lord, and not grumble.
We need to learn from Israel’s mistakes and God gives us the ability to resist our temptations.
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BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 1, Day 3: Luke 24:13-49 and Romans 15:4
September 6, 2022September 4, 2022 by atozmom, posted in BSF People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided 2022/2023
After Jesus’s death, two were walking to Emmaus. Jesus appeared alongside them, but they did not recognize him. They were downcast that Christ has been crucified, hoping he was the redeemer. Christ told them about how Christ was meant to die for them, and he explained all of the foretellings about this in the Old Testament. He stayed with them, and when Christ broke bread for dinner, he was revealed to them and then he disappeared.
The men went to tell the Eleven what had happened. As they were talking, Jesus appeared. They believed him a ghost at first till Jesus began to eat. He opened their minds to the Scriptures. They are witnesses to all that has happened and would be sent the Holy Spirit as promised.
“For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.”
BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 1, Day 3: Luke 24:13-49 and Romans 15:4
7a) Matthew 23:39: “For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.'” From Psalm 118:26
b) If Jesus quotes the Old Testament, then it’s important. Since the Old Testament foretells Jesus’s coming, it’s all intertwined, and nothing God records is wasted.
8 ) Jesus is resurrected here, fulfilling prophecy that Jesus would come and sacrifice his life so that all may live. Prophecy also says how Jesus will be resurrected as God conquers death. Jesus fulfills the law.
9) I love studying the Old Testament because I’m a history buff. It’s fascinating to read about the mistakes people made with regards to following God and his laws and how we continue to do the same thing today, even though it’s easier for us since we have God’s law to obey and we have Jesus. I’m hoping to learn more, so I can grow with God and make fewer mistakes and sins in my life because of it.
Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 1, Day 3: Luke 24:13-49 and Romans 15:4
Great example of God’s Will and fulfilling of prophecy from the Old Testament come to fruition with Jesus’s resurrection.
End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 1, Day 3: Luke 24:13-49 and Romans 15:4
The two disciples are anonymous and the are lamenting Jesus’s death. Jesus listens to them and then teaches them that Christ had to suffer as the prophets said. They needed to believe with their hearts.
Jesus told them all about Moses, the Prophets, and the Old Testament, using the Old Testmant. What I wouldn’t give to hear that explained!
Jesus broke bread and revealed himself. Remember, these men were not at the Last Supper. Then, he vanished. Yet, their hearts burned because of God’s word!
They then walked 7 miles to report what had happened to the disciples.
Jesus appears to them in the flesh and eats. He teaches them and opens their understanding, so they may teach others.
All of what was written in the past (Old and New Testament) is for our learning so we can be close to God. How cool is that!
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BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 1, Day 2: Psalm 19:7-11; 119; 160 and John 6:63; 17:17
September 5, 2022September 4, 2022 by atozmom, posted in BSF People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided 2022/2023
God’s law, statues, precepts, and commands are perfect. The fear of the Lord is pure, the ordinances are righteous. They are more precious than gold. You will be rewarded by keeping them.
“All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal.”
“The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit, and they are life.”
“Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.”
BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 1, Day 2: Psalm 19:7-11; 119; 160 and John 6:63; 17:17
4a) The Bible provides us with God’s commands on how we are to live and worship.
b) The Bible has comforted me many times in my trials. It has offered helpful advice in difficult relationships, and it’s been a beacon of light when I’m wandering lost.
Creation — The Bible tells of how the earth, heavens, mankind, and life on earth was created and offers guidance on how they are to live. God provides everything all life needs to survive and thrive.
Rebellion — Much of the Old Testament is about how mankind repeatedly rebels against God, his judgment upon them, and his care and love for them despite their rebellion. We learn how God always pulls us back to him no matter how far we wander.
Redemption — What the entire Bible is about, as well as the New Testament. It’s also the purpose of Jesus Christ. It’s the story of the Fall of Man and how God sent his Son to redeem all of humanity and bring them back to Him.
Restoration — When Jesus was crucified on the cross and died for our sins, all of humanity was redeemed and able to live forever with God in heaven. As long as you accept Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross for your sins.
b) It’s the story of God’s creation of the world, man’s perpetual rebellion against him, God’s plan to redeem humanity through his Son, Jesus Christ, and our final restoration with God upon acceptance of Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
6) Lord, guide me this year in my challenges, open my heart to you through this study and in daily life, and let your will be done in my life and in the lives of those around me. Give me the strength to persevere in all things, especially those for you. Let the dreams of my heart be from you, as you open the door to make them come true. Amen.
Conclusions BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 1, Day 2: Psalm 19:7-11; 119; 160 and John 6:63; 17:17
Great opening lesson! I loved the introductory notes and the overview of the Bible. I’m definitely looking forward to this year’s study!
End Notes BSF Study Questions People of the Promise: Kingdom Divided Lesson 1, Day 2: Psalm 19:7-11; 119; 160 and John 6:63; 17:17
David’s point in Psalm 19:7-11 is to praise God for revealing himself through his Word and not just through Creation. He chooses his words wisely: law, testimony, precepts, commands, fear, and ordinances.
God’s Word is never wrong, it’s reliable, it’s right, it’s pure, it’s enduring, and it’s true and righteous. And King David didn’t even have all of the Bible!
God’s Word is more valuable than gold and sweeter than honey. It warns us, and it rewards us.
We are set apart (sanctified) for God’s purpose and pleasure. The more truth we believe and understand, the more sanctified (or the more we will be God’s) we will be.
Powerful stuff as we begin this study!
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BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 1, Day 5: Matthew 1:1-25
September 2, 2021September 25, 2021 by atozmom, posted in BSF Matthew 2021/2022
Matthew lists the genealogy of Jesus in these 17 verses. You’ll find a mix of characters here, from prostitutes, such as Rahab to kings, such as David and Solomon. Most of the names are simply that — names of people whom the Bible does not talk about. However, God chose all to be a relative of Jesus. How cool is that?
Consider that there were 14 generations from Abraham to David, from David to the time of the Babylonian exile, and from the exile to the Messiah. Why the number 14? Matthew leaves out generations in order to create this numeric lineup. The letters of the Hebrew alphabet represented numbers, too. The letters in David’s name add up to 14, which is used to show that Jesus was the son of David, but also that Jesus is greater than David.
Mary became pregnant while betrothed to Joseph. Joseph, knowing that he was not the father, wanted to divorce Mary but in a quiet way. An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph as he slept and reassured him that Mary is faithful. Mary’s child she carries is from the Holy Spirit and is to be named Jesus, meaning “the Lord saves.” This fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah in Isaiah 7:14.
Joseph believed the angel. He took Mary as his wife but did not lie with her until after the birth of Jesus.
14a ) Matthew emphasizes how Jesus is from the line of David as it was foretold in the Old Testament. The angel mentions how Jesus will be from a virgin birth and called Immanuel (Isaiah 7:14).
b ) God has a plan and he wants to make sure his people knew exactly who Jesus was.
15 ) Their families could have ostracized them and kicked them out of their faith. They could have been social outcasts. Their reputations could have been tarnished, making it hard to make a living in Old Testament times.
16 ) Anytime you lay down yourself and your wants for others costs you something. In truth, I don’t have any earth-shattering examples, but just following him and doing the right thing can be hard and difficult at times, alienating others, too.
In chapter 1 of Matthew, we get a sense right away of what this book is all about. We will be following Jesus’s birth and life all to the end, and we will be meeting people who aren’t exactly high society. We see how Christianity is right for everyone. Fabulous!
I’m super excited to be studying with you all again this year! Every year is like family, and I can’t wait to see what you all learn! In addition, do comment and share when led. Welcome to BSF’s Study of Matthew! Contact me with questions!
BSF Study Questions Matthew Lesson 1, Day 4: Luke 1:26-38
September 1, 2021August 29, 2021 by atozmom, posted in BSF Matthew 2021/2022
Luke records how the angel of God reassured Mary, too. We are told that the angel, Gabriel, went to Nazareth in Galilee to a virgin named Mary. Gabriel told Mary that the Lord was with her and that she is highly favored. However, Mary was afraid, but the angel said that God has favored her and chosen her to bear His son to be named Jesus. He will inherit the throne of David and will reign over God’s people for eternity.
The Holy Spirit will come upon her. Her relative, Elizabeth, will have a child (John the Baptist) in her old age for nothing is impossible with God. “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered, and the angel left.
11a ) Gabriel told Mary that the Lord was with her and that she is highly favored. The angel said that God has favored her and chosen her to bear His son to be named Jesus. He will inherit the throne of David and will reign over God’s people for eternity. The Holy Spirit will come upon her. Her relative, Elizabeth, will have a child (John the Baptist) in her old age for nothing is impossible with God.
b ) The Holy Spirit. Because it is God’s child, his Son, the Savior of the World.
12 ) “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May it be as you have said,” she told the angel Gabriel upon hearing she would bear God’s Son.
13 ) How I can see everything working in my life that He planned, not me. To impact my little corner of the world as He sees fit. Everything has come to this moment.
I love how we can have the same stories from different points of view. So great! God is good!
Curiously enough, no writer of the Old Testament ever mentioned the town of Nazareth. This tells you how insignificant it truly was. Until this moment when God chooses the human parents of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. They live in Nazareth. Here, we get the term “Jesus of Nazarth” plus the Nazarenes, or followers of Jesus.
One could say we are all favored, blessed, and have the Lord in the form of the Holy Spirit with us.
Mary’s mind turns to the practical when asking how she will have a baby when she has never had sex. Does this show a lack of faith? No. It simply is a question that most of us would ask. How will this happen?
“Overshadow” has the same meaning as cover with a cloud what God appeared in (Exodus 16:10,19:9,24:16,34:5,40:34) and when Jesus was transfigured (Matthew 17:5,Mark 9:7,Luke 9:34). The cloud is God or the Holy Spirit.
The example of Elizabeth strengthened Mary’s faith in the the angel’s words.
Mary will face scrutiny from man for her pregnancy. Yet, God’s words are stronger.
Fun Fact: Note in no other culture does a virgin birth occur.
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A great book about Mary! Happy Reading!
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